Thursday, June 28, 2007

Why "comprehensive immigration reform" makes sense

It is no secret the overwhelming majority of Americans--even Mexican Americans--are against the legalization of 12-20 million illegal aliens–no matter what you call it. Yet in direct defiance of that majority, too many in Congress are STILL poised to thumb their noses at the electorate. Why?

It isn’t principle. Principle suggests that enforcing laws already on the books would trump the craven expediency that allows politicians to ignore them when it suits their purposes–as in ignoring all the enforcement aspects of the “Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986.”

It isn’t integrity. Integrity is about having core beliefs that can neither be bought, sold nor “horse-traded” away.

It isn’t patriotism. Patriotism would suggest that American interests come first. In various places around the country, American politicians have already granted illegal aliens drivers licenses, access to bank accounts, in-state college tuition, welfare, free schooling, free hospital services and sanctuary city protections from federal immigration officials. In some cases, you’re better off being an illegal than an American citizen when it comes to access or entitlement.

It isn’t statesmanship. The Congressional approval rating is at 14%, the lowest number since the Gallup poll began tracking it in 1973. Americans know the difference between statesman and a collection of self-interested political hacks–even if the hacks themselves don’t.

So what is it? In the words of “The Godfather’s” Vito Corleone: “It’s nothing personal. It’s strictly business.” Can you say "Wall Street Journal"? How about “trans-national corporations?” To be blunt, there are American elitists who, along with their fellow travelers in other parts of the world, believe that countries are “anachronistic” and that globalization, as in the free movement of products services–and people– without regard to culture, law or borders is the wave of the future.

American laws and American workers? Our culture, language and borders? Secondary to corporate “synchronization” on a world-wide scale. Global coordination of goods and services trumps national interest–period. American politicians? Accomplices to the ongoing sell-out of American sovereignty and the burgeoning influence of internationalist businessmen–who could care less about who produces what or where it’s done, as long as profits are maximized.

Within this odious framework, "comprehensive immigration reform" makes perfect sense.

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