Friday, June 15, 2007

How out of touch can the Bushyrovies be???

Mac Johnson at Human Events Magazine has a good parody idea.

Aide: Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think you can just replace the American people as part of some political strategy.

GWB: Nonsense, boy! The Brain here’s got it all worked out. Tell him, Genius!

Karl Rove: White people are yesterday’s news, son. They don’t have kids anymore and they don’t vote in a bloc. Tomorrow is all about the Hispanic vote. It’s a plan I call “Tomorrow’s Manana,” and it’s working like a charm. Did you know that Dubya here got over 40% of the Hispanic vote in one of his elections? Now imagine if the Hispanic population were doubled! That’s over 40% of almost twice as many people!

Aide: Wouldn’t you need to get more than 50% of a group to benefit from its doubling?

Karl Rove: We may have us a bigot, here, Dubya.

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