Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Before you vote for "higher education" funding....

....think again. You or your children will be made dumber by going to the University of California system unless you or they pursue a strictly STEM curriculum. Exhibit number - I lost count:

Because OF COURSE there would be a "Virtual Healing Circle". Like that would do any damn good to stop ZOOM hacking, if any actually even happened.

And this is on the MERCED campus, which is the smallest and among the most rural of the UC campuses, with the lowest percentage tenured faculty, in an area heretofore not left-wing in any sense of the word. In fact, back in Cold War days, the region had Castle Air Force Base.

And yet, every other year in every other ballot initiative election there is some Proposition asking for more funding for the UC and CSU systems. If even a cent goes to nonsense "administrators" like these, vote NO.