Monday, April 21, 2008

The media herd now backs Obama

It looks like it is over for Hillary Clinton. Last week's ABC debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton made lots of liberals unhappy. In particular, they did not care for the questions that moderators Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos posed to Barack Obama, including the ones about his friendship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers.

A group of 41 "journalists and media analysts" have signed an "open letter" to ABC in which, according to The Nation (a leftover communist magazine with which five of the signatories are affiliated), they "condemn the network's poor handling" of the debate. Here's how the letter closes:

Neither Mr. Gibson nor Mr. Stephanopoulos lived up to these responsibilities. In the words of Tom Shales of the Washington Post, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Stephanopoulos turned in "shoddy, despicable performances." As Greg Mitchell of Editor and Publisher describes it, the debate was a "travesty." We hope that the public uproar over ABC's miserable showing will encourage a return to serious journalism in debates between the Democratic and Republican nominees this fall. Anything less would be a betrayal of the basic responsibilities that journalists owe to their public.
The media minions have chosen their side.

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