Monday, April 28, 2014

The Donald Sterling kerfluffle

So the Left media noise machine is generating outrage about Donald Sterling's stupid remarks (and yes, they were rather stupid). But no one asks the real questions:

1. Gee, maybe Mr. Sterling doesn't like being cuckolded? Although the douchebag's cheating on his spouse with this mistress of his certainly does not say much for him. Can't say which side of "too much" she is on the enhancement surgery scale. What is evident, though, is that she could suck a bowling ball through 50' of garden hose.

2. Mr. Sterling may be the greatest douchebag alive at the moment, but it is somewhat amusing to see that somehow saying something somewhat "racist" now trumps at least misdemeanor wiretapping laws. Didn't we once impeach a president over wiretapping? Of course, he was an evil white guy, but...

3. It is also amusing to see liberal douchebags like Mr. Sterling dole out millions to the NAACP and other black liberal politicos. How did that work out for him?

4. What about all this kerfluffle makes me think that this was a shakedown by a jilted ex at her former sugar daddy? This girlfriend who was sued in court by Sterling's wife to return the Lamborghini and Ferrari and pricey apartment given to her by Sterling.

Sterling is an old fool, to think that his girlfriend would NOT be cheating on him massively with various Alpha males, never mind the blackness of Athletes like former Rihanna boyfriend Matt Kemp.

At any rate this seems a way to generate some quick TMZ cash ... listening to the full tape, you can just sense her lawyer coaching her to bait Sterling into saying "Black" when frankly, he's really concerned more about the Athlete/Alpha Male part. I really doubt Mr. Sterling would be happy with his trophy hootchie cheating on him with a strapping *white* athlete either.

All that said, It's impossible to feel sorry for the old fool, being a stupid old man thinking some young "Adventuress" would actually be interested in him for anything other than his money.

Mr. Sterling may be a despicable person, but his former trollop is far worse.

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